讲座题目:Perceptual learning and neural plasticity in adult human brain
主 持 人:王振宏 教授
讲 座 人:方方 教授
地 点:雁塔校区教学九楼9209室
方方,教授、博士生导师,北京大学心理与认知科学学院院长,行为与心理健康北京市重点实验室主任,麦戈文脑科学研究所常务副所长,机器感知与智能教育部重点实验室副主任;教育部特聘教授、国家有突出贡献中青年专家、政府特殊津贴获得者,荣获中国青年科技奖、青年科学家奖。International Journal of Computer Mathematics特邀编委、中国神经科学学会常务理事、中国心理学会常务理事、中国心理学会国际学术交流工作委员会副主任、《中国大百科全书》第三版心理学卷副主编。主要研究领域为利用脑成像技术、心理物理学和计算模型研究视知觉、意识、注意和它们的神经机制。
Perceptual learning refers to remarkable performance improvement after intensive training. It is a popular model for studying cortical plasticity. So far, we still do not know much about the neural mechanisms of visual perceptual learning. There is a debate between early-stage theories and late-stage theories. Early-stage theories argue that perceptual learning sharpens the tuning properties of early visual neurons. Late-stage theories argue that perceptual learning reweights the outputs of visual channels for optimal decision making. In my lab, we combined psychophysics, magnetic resonance imaging, and transcranical magnetic stimulation to investigate the neural mechanisms of face and motion discrimination learning. We show that: 1) perceptual learning reduces internal neural noise and sharpens cortical tuning to trained stimuli in sensory coding areas; 2) perceptual learning modifies the connections between sensory and higher areas for optimal decision-making; 3) The anatomical structure of sensory cortex could predict the effect of perceptual training; 4) The effects of perceptual learning extend beyond the retuning of specific neural populations that mediate performance of the trained task. Learning could modify the inherent functional specializations of visual cortical areas.